Who Doesn’t Love a Fireman?

They are everywhere. Screaming up behind us on busy streets, shopping for groceries in the supermarket, washing their engines and ladders in front of the station. They’ve made shows like “Chicago Fire", “9-1-1",” “Rescue Me,” and “Emergency” part of our collective consciousness. They are our friends, brothers, fathers, husbands and boyfriends — living and breathing symbols of bravery, selflessness, and dedication. They embody courage in the face of danger. They are the sentinels who safeguard our communities with compassion.

With this calendar, we celebrate the spirit of all firefighters — the men and women (well, just men are pictured this year) whose vocations are rooted in an innate desire to protect and serve. Each firefighter pictured has chosen a charity that is special to him, and he explains why on this page. We hope that you will support these firefighters and those organizations throughout the year. This is a fun and flirty project, sure. But we are very serious about celebrating and honoring these men and their causes.